Holding onto the Light

I’ve been in Egypt through the Arab spring of 2011, the war in Libya and the Covid pandemic. Now we have the war in Palestine. Even though Siwa has been and remains largely unchanged by these events ~ serious repercussions will be felt across the entire Middle East and the world. How do we rationalise so much chaos and instability in this world of ours?

Our collective history is saturated by the blood and terror of our ancestors. Evil and suffering ~ on an unimaginable scale ~ has been a constant on this earth since the moment we were born. This is the reality of the global paradigm. Injustice and oppression woven into the collective fabric of our ancestral lineage. Working with ancestral trauma ~ as a therapist ~ often reveals substantial inherited patterns which we all have a responsibility to identify and gradually eradicate.

Nothing and no one is spared in the rampaging pursuit for elite global control. Different place ~ different race ~ same story ~ over and over again and again ~ a cycle that hideously recurs in generation after generation. But these days it often feels that the intensity of horror ~ conflict and division ~ is greater than ever before.

The concentrated power of globalist media amplify certain injustices over others. Specific conflicts ~ propelled into our consciousness ~ fulfilling precise imperial objectives. The global village is regularly coerced toward outrage, dismay and/or despair.

Technology has sped up and shared ever greater amounts faster and more directly ~ global news more real and emotive than ever. The daily life of friends and family are haphazardly entwined with international mayhem and murder on an extraordinary scale ~ delivered innocuously to the phone that lies on the pillow next to our head when we sleep. We truly have never been closer to genocide.

Given such intimate modalities ~ the frequency of fear and terror is surely more powerful and infectious than ever before. Tools such as AI generate unreal images and events that never even happened. Confusion is deliberate ~ muddying the waters of truth ~ severing us from any certainties. The first casualty of war has always been truth.

We should never be complacent in our pursuit of truth nor cease to stand up for what is right. But we must realise that truth as a commodity is highly compromised in this day and age ~ more illusive than ever in a world purposefully flooded with distractions. Where disinformation is used as a means to censor freedom of speech and encourage distorted ideologies.

This is why we must stay vigilant and ask the question ~ whose agenda is being served? Are we being played to fall into yet another trap of division and fear ~ so that prevailing power structures maintain their control and fulfil their objectives. Order out of chaos is more than convenient for the selected few. Divide and conquer the established modus operandi of Empire.

Simultaneously we ask ourselves ~ is it acceptable to feel joy and inspiration when so many people have been thrust into their very darkest of days? Should we savour our own moments of peace knowing that they coincide with innocent children dying in their beds?

If we allow ourselves to revel in the beauty of this world ~ is it ‘spiritual bypassing’ or ‘burying our head in the sand’ in order to maintain our own selfish pursuit of life’s pleasures?

Not only do I think it is acceptable ~ I think it is absolutely necessary ~ now more than ever ~ to feel the joy of being alive and embrace happiness and well-being whenever we can. This is not a betrayal of those suffering. Life is and should be beautiful.

Holding onto the light and love is perhaps the most important act of defiance in the face of an evil that seeks to enslave us in a matrix of pain, fear, conflict and division. An evil that deliberately perverts the sacred balance of nature and creation through its twisted ideology of science and technology.

No one is shielded from the fragility of this unpredictable chaotic world and the powers of capitalist and imperialist interests which show no mercy to ordinary people. The ultimate betrayal of nature is the projected illusion of control ~ that we can overcome the fragility of creation and the weaknesses inherent in our feeble bodies ~  science and medicine gradually making us immune from risks, from pain ~ and perhaps one day even death.

Yet in our hearts. we instinctively know this illusion isn’t truth. We know that we can all be plummeted into grief at any moment and there are no guarantees of safety. Tomorrow is a promise given to no one. That is the sublime tragedy of the human experience. One can either thrive off that realisation and live the moment infused with gratitude and love ~ or allow it to consume us with fear.

Spaces of tranquility and harmony enable us to weave our prayers into the fabric of reality and assert our authority and commitment to all that is good and right. Truth will prevail ~ whether we take justice into our own hands or not. It’s just a matter of time. Everything has its season ~ it’s winter and summer ~ it’s time for growth and renewal. And those who are behind the atrocities that plague our world will face their karma. Surrendering to the Divine order of all things is not a weakness ~ but shows our ultimate faith and trust in the cosmic intelligence that will always maintain universal balance. It may not happen in our lifetime ~ but it will happen ~ one day.

Liberation lies in proximity to nature ~ because the natural world is pure and nourishing ~ clear and unwavering ~ where we can best commune with spirit and ourselves. Governed by sacred geometric laws of creation ~ the codes and vibrations of the earth leave us energetically more balanced, protected, and grounded ~ better attuned to the whisperings of the magnificent life force of source energy that surround us. Better able to be present and engaged in the moment where we can meet our own local community and environment with an open heart.

The cycles of time are what they are. The sheer evil reining free on this planet will come to an end one day as we navigate these turbulent and complex years and transcend them into a new age. An age where love will flourish with unlimited potential for creativity and innovation. It’s happened before many times ~ but history gets distorted by incumbent imperial powers ~ and vehemently controlled ~ precisely so we are unable to put the pieces together and access the keys that can set us free. Our lives are too short and demanding to comprehend galactic cycles. We are either too consumed with the basics or too distracted by the show. We’ve simply forgotten how powerful we are.

I believe the forces that have held this planet in the grip of chaos for thousands of years truly fear this time on earth ~ because their reign is coming to an end ~ they are scrabbling to keep their power and maintain the status quo. The masks are slipping ~ the game is almost up ~ they are showing their hand through their desperation to hold onto their control. The surest sign of decline of empire ~ is the impotence to stop more of the people of the world coming together in community, consciousness and love. All those signs become clearer by the day.

Each person who sees the game for what it is and refuses to play by their rules will have a ripple effect on society. That ripple becomes a tidal wave and there will be no stopping it. The scales tip and we will move into a new epoch of human history. Science (once again) in alignment with nature ~ love and imagination ~ and the abundance that surrounds us. A place where humility ~ through devotion to the sacred laws of the universe ~ will allow the manifestation of unlimited creative possibilities.

Light will always prevail over darkness. Now more than ever is the time to remind ourselves of this. It is our collective responsibility to shine brighter than ever before ~ and make our collective light a beacon for a better world.